The Visible Leader Podcast

What Leaders Get Wrong About Creativity (and How to Get It Right) With Rich Kirkpatrick

Rich Kirkpatrick is a creative leader, author, and speaker who helps people unlock their creative potential.

With a background spanning both business and the arts, he blends science and creativity to guide teams and leaders in fostering innovation. He’s the author of Mind Blown: Unlock Your Creative Genius by Bridging Science and Magic, where he offers practical insights into the creative process.

32 Minutes

In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of creativity and how it impacts our personal and professional lives. Here’s a sneak peek at the topics covered:

What is Creativity? 

We kick things off by questioning the very essence of creativity. Is there a test to measure it, or is it something more intrinsic?

Leadership and Creativity: 

Explore how creativity manifests in leadership and teams, and what happens when it’s missing.

Signs of a Creative Team: 

How can a leader tell if their team is creatively thriving or just going through the motions?

The Wizard vs. The Robot: 

Discover the two types of thinkers in creativity and why both are essential to the process.

Iterative Improvement vs. Creative Leaps: 

Can creativity be a series of small steps, or are big leaps necessary? What’s the risk involved?

Creating a Culture for Creativity: 

Learn about fostering an environment where creativity can flourish and the surprising elements that might be holding your team back.

Constraints as Creativity’s Best Friend: 

Why setting boundaries might actually unlock more creative potential.

Is Creativity Always Good? 

Can too much creativity be a hindrance? The discussion turns to balance and the importance of execution.

Top 5 Creativity Killers in Leadership: 

What are leaders doing today that stifles creativity, and how can they turn it around?