The Visible Leader Podcast

Five Common Leadership Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them with Walt Morgan

In this episode I chat with Walt Morgan. As a certified coach, former Navy Commander, and university lecturer, Walt specialises in helping people develop their leadership skills on both personal and professional fronts. Walt's seen it all and has some sharp insights on the common slip-ups leaders make.

34 Minutes

What we cover:

* Common Leadership Blunders: Walt lays out the five big missteps he sees leaders making. He’s big on understanding what leadership really means personally and professionally, and he challenges us to redefine it for ourselves.

* Leadership as a Journey: Leadership isn’t a fixed quality but an evolving journey that reflects our actions and intentions. Walt shares his thoughts on how our understanding of leadership can and should change over time.

* The Right Time for Development: We talk about the importance of starting leadership development early. The more set in our ways we are, the harder it is to adapt and grow.

* Getting Help: We discuss the power of coaching to unearth and change deeply ingrained habits and mindsets that hold us back.

* Learning vs. Development: We explore the difference between just learning new things and actually developing as leaders. How to turn knowledge into action to make real changes in how we lead.

Interested in more from Walt? Check out his website:

Translational Lift Coaching

Once you’ve had a listen think about your own leadership style. Are you sticking to old habits? Maybe it’s time for a chat with your team to check out what leadership means to you all.