The Identity Issue with Professor Andy Hargreaves
Every week we usually have a great guest drawn from a range of roles involved in education. But, this week we have excelled ourselves by having as our guest Prof Andy Hargreaves, the visiting Professor at University of Ottawa, Research Professor at Boston College, an elected member of the US National Academy of Education and current adviser to the First Minister of Scotland.
The Identity Issue with Professor Andy Hargreaves

What's this episode about?
Every week we usually have a great guest drawn from a range of roles involved in education.
But, this week we have excelled ourselves by having as our guest Prof Andy Hargreaves, the visiting Professor at University of Ottawa, Research Professor at Boston College, an elected member of the US National Academy of Education and current adviser to the First Minister of Scotland.
In addition he has published over 30 books and has eight outstanding writing awards. He is ranked 15th by Education Week (US) with the most influence on the US education policy debate. The discussion focuses on Andy’s most recently published book ‘Leadership from the Middle’ which looks at the topic from many different angles and includes fascinating perspectives on autonomy and ‘top down’ approaches. Andy, also considers the main themes from his soon to be published collaboration with longtime friend Dennis Shirley called ‘The Age of Identity’.
It is a highly enjoyable chat for Frank and Stan and we hope it provides interest, insight and a chance to reflect on some crucial leadership issues. Enjoy….we did!