The Frank and Stan Chat with our very own Neil Jurd
When Frank and Stan held their first chat in May 2020, they never imagined others would be interested in them and certainly didn't envisage that eminent thinkers, practitioners and respected colleagues would join us as guests.

In the words of Frank and Stan:
This week we are delighted to welcome back Neil Jurd, author of ‘The Leadership Book’, former army officer and RMA Sandhurst instructor and now a business leader of a training organisation in leadership development and coaching. Neil has an MA from Cranfield University and a fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management. He was appointed OBE in 2021 and awarded the British Citizen Award in 2020. Along with this impressive CV Neil is a very interesting and well informed colleague.
The chat considers how Neil’s military training and experience influenced his approach to leadership. He gives some clear, practical examples with the discussion moving on to trust and humility as key themes. Stan then considers what’s caught his eyes this week and focuses on an MA dissertation he received for comment from Lucy Truman, a regular guest on the Frank and Stan Chat. He reflects on how the period of COVID encouraged local authority staff to get on with decision making without having to consult. He wonders whether consultation is currently getting in the way of decision making. Neil then reflects on the impact of AI on essay writing and how it weakens the writing style and reduces individuality.
Frank then ponders over the surprising news that the DWP had harvested some pupil data from the DfE to check on benefit fraud. This arrangement was not widely known. We all then considered what other data is being shared on citizens.
A varied and interesting chat. Hope you enjoy it.