Vicki Maguire
Vicki started teaching in 1997. She became a Head of English in 2004 and worked in two schools as an Assistant Headteacher from 2010 until 2016 when she was appointed to a position as a Deputy Headteacher.
During her time as a school leader, Vicki trained as a coach and developed her coaching skills supporting staff and pupils
in each of the schools in which she worked by adopting a coaching philosophy and leadership style and using coaching to support pupil and staff development.
Since making the decision to leave teaching to set up her own coaching business, Vicki has worked with many different organisations and individuals including numerous schools and multi-academy trusts and over 100 school leaders. She is also a Leadership Performance Coach on the NPQSL and NPQH national leadership programmes.
She has created and presents the We Lead Well podcast on which she
interviews headteachers, school leaders and prominent educationalists about leadership and wellbeing and she has created and delivers the Women Lead Well group coaching programme for female school leaders and the Women Lead Well Network. In 2021, she gained accreditation as a consultant for Resilient Leaders Elements.
Vicki is an ICF trained, certified coach working towards PCC accreditation
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