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More from Macarena Vergara
  • Empathy With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 10 Minutes

    Macarena explains how understanding empathy will make you be a better leader and help create an environment where others feel empowered.

  • Limiting Beliefs With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 10 Minutes

    Macarena discusses the ways in which the beliefs we hold impact on our lives and how we can work through them to be better Leaders.

  • Interview with Macarena Vergara With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 5 Minutes

    An interview with global leadership and team coach Macarena Vergara in which she explains how coaching is relevant today in the world of leadership.

  • Constructive Communication With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 12 Minutes

    In this talk global leadership and team coach Macarena Vergara explains how leaders can understand and harness an understanding of the human brain in order to create great teams.

  • Coaching in Leadership With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 13 Minutes

    In this talk, global leadership and team coach Macarena Vergara explains why coaching is an essential leadership skill, and outlines what you can do without any formal training to embed coaching at the heart of your leadership style.