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Sanofi Leadership Development Programme

The third 2 day residential phase of our Sanofi Leadership Development Programme has just finished and all 14 delegates had an amazing time.

All the feedback received has been 5* which is credit to the course deliverers, Jon Davidge and Marcus Taylor:

 I found the PALS exercise particularly insightful; it forced me to listen and reflect. It also gave time to everybody to express their opinion and broaden everyone’s perspective on several different topics.

The final task was a great example of how people interact during a project and how individual leaders can impact that task. 

It has been enlightening, engaging, thought provoking and extremely useful. Jon and Marcus are fantastic mentors.

The delegates were fantastic as well and came with an open mind and a willingness to participate.  We look forward to seeing them all on the next coaching session and at the final residential session in May 23.  This will be a fantastic day followed by a Graduation Dinner in the evening

If you think that your organisation could benefit from a Programme like this, then the leaflet below explains it all.  Programmes can also be tailored to meet specific requirements.