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More from the Beyond the Bottomline Podcast
  • Developing Holistic Leaders Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 49 Minutes

    Alice Beveridge of Tree of Knowledge is my guest today. We are talking about developing holistic leaders, and particularly about positive psychology and how this can be applied practically.

    Also about approaches to build resilience and signature strengths; and what action we can take for personal motivation and improved mindset to enjoy a better environment around us in the workplace.

  • Performance with Positivity – Better Results with Less Hassle Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 32 Minutes

    We go back 2 years to listen to one of Anna's favourite guests, James Bargeron. In this episode they discuss what it is like to work in high pressure sectors, the additional challenges faced and how to elevate performance while reducing stress, hassle - and time!

  • Corporate Wellbeing and Proactively Positive Management with Matt LeCann Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 23 Minutes

    Matthieu Le Cann, COO and Co-Founder of TVTY is my guest today, talking about Corporate Wellbeing and proactively positive leadership and management.

  • Leadership Development, Projecting Our Presence and Our Changing Priorities Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 35 Minutes

    It is great to have Mariela Dabbah back on the show. Her great experience and dynamic impact on women's career opportunities and leadership are always inspiring and make her a truly wonderful role model.

  • Positive and Inspiring Leadership and How that Makes a Difference with Corine Hines Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 40 Minutes

    Leadership can come in many colours and leadership styles even more so - positive inspiring leadership which goes beyond the bottomline can have distinct advantages to both leader and employees. Human growth leadership, something to emulate!

  • Leadership and Creating Cultures of Community with Charles Vogl Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 25 Minutes

    Today's guest is Charles Vogl – Author, speaker and advisor - thought leader for the Google School for Leaders and whose work is used to develop leadership worldwide for organisations such as Airbnb, LI, Amazon and the US Army.

  • Improving Leadership, Career and Life with Radical Mindfulness Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 30 Minutes

    Today we welcome Daniel Gutierrez, mentor, coach, motivational speaker, author and executive retreat owner (and previously extremely high-flyer and White House advisor) to talk about how we can enjoy our life, and improve our leadership and career success by using Radical Mindfulness!

  • Transformational Leadership and Team Development with Neil Jurd Hosted by Anna Cook

    Summary 31 Minutes

    Leadership comes in so many forms but being a great leader, a transformational leader, is what brings an organisation to life, giving vibrancy and encouraging team development and growth. Neil Jurd is an expert at this.