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7 Ways To Power Up Your Leadership

In light of recent events such as the Great Resignation, leaders are under greater pressure than ever before to excel under challenging conditions.

This article discusses different ways how they can do just that. Despite the challenges, it is important to remember that leadership is a journey – one that requires continuous growth and evolution.

By embracing this mindset, leaders can create an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated – ultimately leading to a more successful organization. According to Neil Jurd OBE, author of The Leadership Book and founder of the skills platform LeaderConnect, an overly competitive organizational culture can prevent employees from being effective.

This article discusses Jurd’s valuable insight for leaders who want to create change within their organization. It also offers strategies for employees who want to be more effective in their roles. By following these tips, leaders can help their teams reach their full potential.

To read the full article, click here.