Stories of Service Podcast

Getting Blunt with Tab Bartley

Sometimes, you need somebody to tell you the unvarnished truth, share their story filter-free, and provide insights you never considered.

Tab does just that. Her authentic, vulnerable, and raw personal storytelling style put you in the room with her like a trusty confidant.

Join us on this episode as we discuss her plight to restore her mental health and what she feels veterans need. I always know that when I explore Tab’s content, I get to know her better and learn something new.

62 Minutes

Tabitha Bartley served eight years as a public affairs specialist in the Marine Corps. While in the Marine Corps she served as a Press Marine for the Quantico Sentry, the assistant director for the Base Community Relations Program at MCB Quantico, the Marketing and Public Affairs Director for Recruiting Station Columbia, S.C. and as Uniformed Sexual assault victim advocate.

Tabitha was the first pregnant woman to run for Indiana State Senate and first mentally and physically disabled Marine Corps female veteran to run for Indiana State Senate.

She was a project manager for unit campaigns at the Purdue for Life Foundation before returning to the National Capital Region. She is a public affairs specialist for USDA Agricultural Marketing Services.

Tabitha serves as the President for the Dept. of Agriculture’s Veteran Employee Organization (first female president), on the Board of Directors for Minority Veterans of America, as the Marking and Public Affairs Officer for the Jack Maas Marine Corps League Detachment. She also hosts the Oath We Took Podcast.