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  • Empathy With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 10 Minutes

    Macarena explains how understanding empathy will make you be a better leader and help create an environment where others feel empowered.

  • Coaching and Leadership With Ben Dowman

    Summary 11 Minutes

    Author, psychologist and coach Ben Dowman explores the relationship between coaching and leadership and explains how leaders can use coaching to bring out the best in others.

  • The Importance of Silence With Neil Jurd OBE

    Summary 7 Minutes

    Leaders need to learn to be comfortable with silence. Silence allows leaders and teams to listen and reflect. Leaders who speak too much rarely get the best from their teams. Neil Jurd OBE explains how you can make use of silence in your leadership.

  • Coaching in Leadership With Macarena Vergara

    Summary 13 Minutes

    In this talk, global leadership and team coach Macarena Vergara explains why coaching is an essential leadership skill, and outlines what you can do without any formal training to embed coaching at the heart of your leadership style.

  • Improving Team Communication With Neil Jurd OBE

    Summary 7 Minutes

    Effective leaders build strong, positive and trusting relationships with and throughout their teams. Neil Jurd OBE uses the John Powell communication pyramid to show you how to build honest and meaningful relationships.

  • Thinking Time and Reflection With Neil Jurd OBE

    Summary 6 Minutes

    Being busy leader isn’t the same as being an effective leader. Where leaders are too busy to think activity becomes mindless.

    Neil Jurd OBE explains why, if you want to lead well you need to slow things down and take the time and space to think.

  • How to Coach Team Members With Neil Jurd OBE

    Summary 12 Minutes

    In this engaging short talk, Neil Jurd discusses how high-performing teams are created through careful coaching. By nurturing freedom, avoiding overcontrol, and encouraging creativity, team members are encouraged to find their own solutions.

    This talk will help you to empower your team members and reduce friction in your organisation.