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Help & FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Sign up or Sign in?

Select the Sign up or Sign in link in the top right hand corner of the website. If you are signing up, simply complete the Registration page with all the details require.

Don’t worry you can always Amend or Edit these details after you have signed in, Profile> Edit Profile.

How do I edit my profile?

On the Top Menu bar, click on your name , which will take you to your Options. Select Profile, then Edit.

In this new screen you will be able to Edit your details, add a Profile Picture and add a Cover Photo. To Add a Profile Photo, select Profile Photo. In the new screen you will see a “Select your file“. Click here and select the image you would like to use. Crop and adjust if required. On a desktop you can also select ‘Take Photo’. You need to allow your device to access your camera. Click on ‘Capture’ when you are ready. If you are happy click ‘Save’. Adding or changing your profile picture will post a notification to the main Activity Feed.

How do I join a Group?

Click on ‘Groups’ at the top of the page and this will show all of the groups that are available (Some are Public Group, visible to all or Private). If you would like to join any of these, click ‘Join Group’.

Public Groups should allow you to access them straightaway. For Private Groups, Request Access this will send a join request. Once you have accessed the group, any post you make here will only be seen by other members of the group.

Who can view my posts?

Activity Page – All users on the site can see posts you put on the activity page. You can change your privacy settings in your Profile settings..

Group Feed –  Only group members can see the posts that you post in that specific group. These posts will show on your own activity page and that of the group members.

How do I get support if I am having any issues?

We have a Support Team to assist you with any issues you may have on LeaderConnect.

They are currently available:

 Mon – Fri

0900 to 1700hrs (GMT)

Normally respond within 24 hrs.

Email Support: